Hugh Maxwell is a Scottish landscape photographer who has been capturing the beauty of the landscape for over 30 years. He lives in Ayrshire.

“A plastic pocket-sized camera that took ‘badly out of focus’ panoramic photos was my introduction into photography and I have my parents to thank for this gift when I was a teenager.

This was eventually upgraded to my first proper film SLR camera, a Pentax ME-Super with a bashed pentaprism that I purchased from Hector McDonald’s small camera shop on Bank Street in Kilmarnock.

Despite the damaged appearance, it allowed me to be much more creative when I was outdoors and a passion for photography developed which has endured to the present day.”

“Many of the photographs I took with this camera were used to illustrate historical articles I wrote which were published in The Scots Magazine, Scottish Memories Magazine and a number of local journals.

A portfolio of images was also published in Amateur Photography Magazine and images also featured in Outdoor Photography Magazine. A sunset photograph of Greenan Castle near Doonfoot on the Ayrshire Coast was chosen for the front cover of the Ayrshire and Isle of Arran 2011 tourist brochure published by Visit Scotland.

Like most photographers, I eventually moved over to shooting digital but I stayed loyal to the Pentax brand using their cameras often with old film era lenses. Call me old-fashioned but I like to print my best images, and I’ve done this for many years now, as nothing compares to the sensation of touching and holding a physical print in your hands.

I love shooting in both colour and monochrome and also undertake stock and commissioned work for advertising, book and magazine publishing.

I hope you enjoy browsing through my work and if you want to know where and what I’ve been shooting recently with the camera please follow me on Facebook.

If you would like to get in touch please use the contact page.”

Best Wishes

Hugh Maxwell

“Photography is an art and I would describe myself as an artist working with natural light, in all its forms, to capture the beauty of the landscape.”

— Hugh Maxwell